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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Chapter 8 A whole new mind: Play

I recently saw a piece on the news about a laugh group and literally laughed at the idea of it being that necessary to laugh everyday. After reading this chapter and trying myself to laugh more I can attest that the results are true. The older we get the more we push the idea of play to the side. I had heard about the use of Lego's in offices in order to get people thinking more creatively and kinda always thought that if I was put in that position I would think it was a joke. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how important it is for us as adults to maintain that youthful quality in play. Thinking back to my imagination as a child, I can remember all of the stories and characters I can up with while playing. This led me to believe, why can't this be translated now in our "adult" work. My resistance to giving up the idea of having fun while at work as once again led me down a more creative path. Using play in our everyday life seems like a necessity now. I think we as professionals should be less serious and more playful in our everyday life. Not only should our daily checklist of necessities be sleep, eat, and the usual things, but I believe that play should be added as well. Maintaining a playful attitude throughout some part of our life can most definitely reduce the stress that has taken over most people. Bringing this into the workplace would be a major stress reliever and I think reacquaint people with the idea of why they are doing what they are doing int he first place again. This is something that I think gets lost in the hustle of everyday life and everyday business.


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