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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Whole New Mind Chapter 7 Empathy

This chapter further proved to me the importance of empathy in everyday life, especially in the work place. Often time throughout my educational career I have been told to keep my emotions on the back burner and to get the work done. This is good advice in staying focused, but I never fully believed that it was necessary to leave all emotion behind in completely assignment. I guess that may be why I chose an expressive path to go down. I cant believe that the importance of empathy in health care wasn't recognized earlier. I would consider being empathetic to be a major quality needed by all physicians. I strongly believe that be attuned to the emotions of those around us can only strengthen the bond between human interaction, and in the case of the workplace, strengthen the team-like structure that is necessary to be successful. People react when someone is being nice to them, a cold reaction is not going to receive well. It seems like common sense to me, but I have found more and more that people seriously lack this quality. Hopefully with more and more research noting its importance, more people will make the effort attune themselves to being more empathetic.


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