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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Animation -storyboarding

After going over storyboarding in class and creating one with my group, I am excited to see how everything turns out in the end. I'm going into this process with absolutely no prior knowledge of any kind of computer animation besides what we learned in class last week. It has been somewhat of a challenge for me in drawing my animation out, to think in terms of what needs to be drawn in order to translate the movement. So far this has been the only hurdle for me. I'm anticipating being introduced to Frametheif this week and see how exactly everything comes together.

Chapter 5 STORY

I found Chapter 5 of A Whole New Mind to be so interesting. I can completely understand what is meant by we don't learn logic, we learn stories. Recounting back on how well I understood things being taught to me in grade school, I can remember how it was the stories that my teacher told in conjunction to what was being taught that really stuck with. I can barely remember anything that was ever taught to me in math, but I can remember the stories that were told in my other classes and the topics being taught. I strongly believe that storytelling is a crucial aspect in learning. It is the glue that sticks whats being taught in the mind. I can also relate storytelling in the visual arts. For me, when remembering paintings I've studied in the past, the ones that had stories that went along with them are the ones that stand out the strongest in my mind. It is clear just how important storytelling is in all areas of our lives. I felt that the section in the chapter on the affects of storytelling in business was right on. I know that when I compare products on the shelf, I will always pick the one that has a better reason for me to give that company my money. So many of today's merchandise comes with a story of the background of the company, or the beginnings of a new design. I think that most people can agree that when given the opportunity to buy something of charitable profit we always take it. Storytelling doesn't just stop at the products produced by companies, but also is also inhibited by the employees. I think its great that business people are taking the importance of storytelling more seriously now. I firmly believe that the more something is relate able to a person, the more willing they are to believe in it. In the case of a business person, the more successful they will be in the end

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Chapter 4: Design

In chapter 4 of A Whole New Mind the focus was on how important design really is in our everyday lives. The most interesting part of this chapter for me was reading about CHAD. I wish had had the opportunity in entering high school to attend a focused art oriented high school. These kids have been given the tools they need from a young age to become the well developed artists that they always had inside them. I think so many kids have the talent but not the environment or the encouragement that they need to thrive and because of that they end up pushing their talent aside and pursuing other things. Schools like CHAD, I think, give kids the encouragement that they need at that age. It gives them the knowledge and the understanding that art is not for weirdos or for the outcasts of the class. So much of our future is becoming more and more art oriented the more we progress. When I go to the store to buy something, I obviously pick the one that appeals to me the most out of the groups of items that I am looking to buy. I thought about design purely in this sense. Now, from reading this I have a new perspective of what design actually is and means to the everyday consumer. The part about the toaster really made me think just how much design in everyday items is important. It is so true how we literally use the toaster for 2 min everyday and the rest of the time it just sits there. If and object is going to sit out on your counter all, then it should be appealing. The car you buy is an branch of your personality depending on the design you choose. The type of kitchenware you buy also reflects your personality. So much of design these days is who we are as people. You can learn a lot about someones personality just by looking at what type of items they buy. With so many varieties of literally every type of tool, item, object, etc. available these days, its so easy to reflect you personality with what you buy. People always say you are what you eat. In reading this chapter I learned that you are what you buy in a way.